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How To Help Me With A Low Blood Sugar

Written by: Erika Szumel

1 minute read

July 12, 2022

Low blood sugars can be exhausting, frustrating and downright scary. In some situations, we need help from others because we are confused, weak and unable to interact. Low blood sugars can quickly become life-threatening, so it’s important that those around us understand how they can help.

Below, we’ve created a downloadable, printable PDF that describes how to help someone with diabetes who is experiencing a low blood sugar. Share this with friends, family, coworkers and your community!

How To Help Me With A Low Printable PDF

Educational content related to severe low blood sugar is made possible with support from Zealand Pharma, an active partner of Beyond Type 1 / Beyond Type 2 at the time of publication. Editorial control rests solely on Beyond Type 1 / Beyond Type 2.
Beyond Diabetes author


Erika Szumel

Erika has been living with type 1 diabetes since 2000 and began her career as an associate producer, working at NBC's Oxygen. When she's not writing about her favorite places (or planning a trip), she's jammin' out to classic rock. Living at the Jersey shore, Erika is a lover of the little things, the ocean and pork roll.