Welcome! To our new Beyond Type 1 and Beyond Type 2 website! Hear from the team about the change.

School Resources

Transferring care to the classroom for younger Type 1 children or knowing your rights as a young adult doesn't have to be daunting! Beyond Type 1 will help you pass with flying colors.

Welcome to Beyond Type 1’s School Resources page!

From this page, you can navigate to our extensive resource pages for students of all grade levels, touching personal stories written about type 1 diabetes at school and downloadable forms from a 504 plan and a diabetes alert dog description to posters that describe what type 1 is. Transferring care to the classroom for younger type 1 children or knowing your rights as a young adult doesn’t have to be daunting! Beyond Type 1 will help you pass with flying colors.

Download a School Presentation of Teaching Type 1 to Others.

Heading to college (or recently diagnosed in college)? Sign up for Beyond Type 1: College Edition, our email series on all things college + T1D.