Welcome! To our new Beyond Type 1 and Beyond Type 2 website! Hear from the team about the change.

Tools and How To

When it comes to diabetes management there's a lot to consider with equipment. It's easy to get overwhelmed.

When it comes to diabetes management there’s a lot to consider in terms of equipment. It’s easy to get overwhelmed by all the varying gadgets and manufacturers; it’s time consuming to keep up with the newest technology and medical advancements. Beyond Type 1 is searching out what tools are available and asking what people think of them—we have guides and feedback from other type 1s that will help you make more informed decisions in your care. We’re also talking to the leading developers of cutting-edge equipment and platforms that make the day-to-day management of this disease easier and more efficient. We’re looking forward to the ground-breaking innovators in science to learn about the possibilities of a cure. Here’s the pulse on the biotech world and what it means for type 1.