Welcome! To our new Beyond Type 1 and Beyond Type 2 website! Hear from the team about the change.

Mental Health + Type 2 Diabetes

If you have type 2 diabetes, it is likely that you will experience any of the following: stress, diabetes distress, burnout, diabulimia and/or depression.

Type 2 diabetes affects more than just the physical. It’s emotionally taxing and tests our constitutions daily. Whether you have type 1 or are a caregiver for someone who has it, you should know first that you are not alone.

If you have type 2 diabetes or are caring for someone who does, it is likely that you or your loved one will experience any of the following: stress, diabetes distress, burnout, diabulimia and/or depression. Sometimes talking to other people with diabetes who truly get it can make a big difference—connect with others at the Beyond Type 2 App.