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Everything You Need to Know About Vaccines and Diabetes

Written by: Daniel Trecroci

1 minute read

May 19, 2024

We sat down with Dana Howe, who is communications director at Vaccinate Your Family. Dana—who lives with type 1 diabetes—went over everything you need to know about vaccines and diabetes.

Vaccinate Your Family works to protect people of all ages from vaccine-preventable diseases. It also:

  • Educates the public about the importance of timely vaccinations and their safety.
  • Combats the abundance of vaccine disinformation.

See Dana’s entire interview below, in which she talks about the value of vaccinations for people with diabetes of all ages.


Daniel Trecroci

Dan has written about diabetes for more than 20 years. He was one of Diabetes Health's first recruits, and throughout his 10 + years as Managing Editor he wrote/published thousands of articles and helped establish Diabetes Health as the premiere resource for people with diabetes. He later became the Content Manager for OneTouchGold—Johnson & Johnson/LifeScan’s official digital publication for its metering-technology customers. Under his leadership, OneTouchGold received the Web Marketing Association’s award for “Best Health & Wellness" web site. Dan has also written for the Diabetes Research Institute, dLife, diaTribe, Healthline, CareDx, Pendulum Therapeutics, and Hero Bread.