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Finding and Joining Clinical Trials: A Guide for People with Diabetes

Written by: Daniel Trecroci

7 minute read

February 20, 2025

Curious about how to join a diabetes clinical trial? 

If so, good on ya’, because by joining a diabetes clinical trial, you could:

  • Help shape the future of diabetes treatments
  • Fine-tune existing therapies, and 
  • Contribute to groundbreaking research

Furthermore, getting involved in a diabetes clinical trial can offer meaningful opportunities, including:

  • Access to new treatments before they’re widely available.
  • Making a difference in advancing diabetes care for yourself and others.
  • Additional healthcare support and monitoring throughout the trial.

This guide will walk you through how to find and participate in a diabetes clinical trial. It will also highlight the rewarding benefits of getting involved.

What are clinical trials?

  • Clinical trials are research studies that test new treatments, medications, or procedures. 
  • Participating in a clinical trial isn’t just about receiving treatment
    • It’s also about helping researchers find better care solutions for everyone with diabetes.
  • Clinical trials help scientists see how well new treatments work and whether they are safe.
  • If you have diabetes, you might qualify for trials testing:

Types of Clinical Trials

Observational trials

In these trials, researchers observe how people manage diabetes over time. You:

  • Fill out surveys or track your health.
  • May attend check-ups or provide samples.
  • Continue your usual treatment plan.

Interventional trials

  • These trials test new treatments, for which you might:
    • Receive a new drug or device.
    • Attend regular research center visits for tests.
    • Be part of a group that gets the new treatment or a placebo.

Additional benefits of participating in a clinical trial

In addition to accessing new treatments, receiving extra healthcare support, and making a meaningful impact on the future of diabetes care, clinical-trial participation has other benefits, including:

  • Learning More About Your Condition: By gaining a deeper understanding of your diabetes and how to effectively manage it.
  • Compensation: Some trials offer payments for your time and travel.
  • Personalized Care: By receiving treatment and monitoring tailored to your specific condition and needs.
  • Staying Informed: On the latest advancements and findings in diabetes care.
  • Empowerment: By taking an active role in your healthcare journey and making informed decisions.

Steps to find a clinical trial

Step 1: Talk to your doctor

Start by speaking with your doctor or healthcare team:, because:

  • They know your medical history.
  • They can help determine if a trial is right for you.
  • They might know about current trials you could join.

Step 2: Use trusted resources

You can search online for clinical trials using trusted tools like Antidote. 

Step 3: Check eligibility requirements

  • Each trial has rules about who can join. 
  • You might qualify if:
    • You have a specific type of diabetes.
    • You meet certain health or age criteria.
  • Carefully read the requirements. 
    • Not sure if you qualify? Ask your doctor or the trial coordinator.

Step 4: Contact the Trial Coordinator

Once you find a trial that interests you:

  • Reach out to the coordinator.
  • Ask questions about the trial’s goals and your role.
  • Get details about visits, treatments, and what to expect.

Importance of participating in diabetes clinical trials

  • Beyond Type 1 emphasizes that clinical trial participation plays a crucial role in advancing diabetes research and treatment. 
  • Joining a clinical trial is a powerful way to advocate for yourself and others with diabetes.
  • By participating, you help researchers discover new treatments that can change lives.
  • You also become part of a larger effort to drive innovation and improve lives.

Ready to get started? 

Talk to your doctor and explore Antidote.me to find the right trial for you. 

Your contribution matters—not just for your own health, but for the entire diabetes community.

How to use Antidote:

  1. Visit Antidote.me.
  2. Answer simple questions about your health and diabetes.
  3. Answer eligibility questions 
  4. View matching trials
  5. Connect with a trial

This content was made possible with support from Vertex and Structure Therapeutics, active partners of Beyond Type 1 at the time of publication. Beyond Type 1 maintains editorial control over its content.

Beyond Diabetes author


Daniel Trecroci

Dan has written about diabetes for more than 20 years. He was one of Diabetes Health's first hires. Throughout his 10+ years as Managing Editor, he wrote/published thousands of articles and helped establish Diabetes Health as the premiere resource for people with diabetes. He later became the Content Manager for OneTouchGold—Johnson & Johnson/LifeScan’s official digital publication for its metering technology customers. Under his leadership, OneTouchGold received the Web Marketing Association’s award for “Best Health & Wellness" web site. Dan has also written for the Diabetes Research Institute, dLife, diaTribe, Healthline, CareDx, Pendulum Therapeutics, and Hero Bread.