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JDRF Type One Nation Summit: Viviendo sin Límites in Spanish.

On July 31st, the JDRF Alliance - Beyond Type 1 presented the JDRF Type One Nation Summit: Viviendo sin Límites. These are some of the sessions presented.

On July 31st, the JDRF Alliance – Beyond Type 1 presented the JDRF Type One Nation Summit: Viviendo sin Límites. This was the first interactive, virtual and educational symposium where Spanish-speaking families and individuals with type 1 diabetes had the opportunity to learn about the latest in research, technology and emotional health while participating with members of the diabetes community in real-time.

These are some of the sessions presented during the Summit.  If you were not able to join, you can still access the platform until August 31.

This event was made possible thanks to the support of Dexcom, main sponsor of the TypeOneNation Virtual Summit: Viviendo sin Límites.