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Social Media Fundraiser

Written by: Daniel Trecroci

3 minute read

April 5, 2024

Wanna carry out a mission, but you need resources?

Wanna raise money for Beyond Type 1?

Looking for solutions?

No problem—just start a social media fundraiser.

How to Start a Social Media Fundraiser


Facebook is a great place to raise money and make an impact for Beyond Type 1.

The setup is simple and cost-effective, and its large user base means your campaign has the potential to reach a wider audience.

Users can easily share their fundraiser with their network of followers, who can then donate and share with their network and so on.

  • On your computer, login to Facebook.
  • On the left, click Fundraisers.
  • On the left, click Raise Money.
  • Click Nonprofit.
  • Type “Beyond Type 1” into the search bar
  • On the left, enter the goal amount of money you want to raise
  • The currency you want the funds to be in
  • Click Create.
  • You’ll see a screen pop up where you can invite your friends to donate to your fundraiser.
  • Share your fundraiser in your feed, or donate to the fundraiser yourself.


You can create a fundraiser for a nonprofit organization from an Instagram post.

The fundraiser will be visible in the post, and you can find a link to the fundraiser in your bio.

The fundraiser will be active for 30 days. You can extend the fundraiser duration or end it at any time.

  • Tap + at the bottom or swipe right anywhere in Feed.
  • Create or choose your image and tap NEXT
  • Crop and filter your post, and then tap NEXT
  • Tap Add Fundraiser.
  • Choose the nonprofit you want to fundraise.
  • You’ll automatically go to the “Fundraiser Details” page.
  • Enter the details for your fundraiser and then tap Done.
  • Tap SHARE

After you’ve created your fundraiser, you can post it to other Instagram accounts or tag it in other Instagram posts.

Why You Should Start a Fundraiser on Social Media

Somewhere out there, a worthy cause will inspire people to give.

If you’re looking for a “worthy cause,” you don’t have to look much further than type 1 diabetes and/or type 2 diabetes.

There are many do-it-yourself fundraising ideas for nonprofits like Beyond Type 1.

Furthermore, many people have raised thousands of dollars pursuing those ideas.

Traditionally, fundraisers involved going places, buying things, and hiring people to carry out the fundraiser.

However, in the early 20s—when we were all stuck inside our homes—fundraising fast-pivoted to being a “virtual” endeavor.

What Are the Benefits of Social Media Fundraising?

Social Media Fundraising is Convenient

Organizing an event—or going door-to-door—to collect donations requires a lot of work, including:

  • Planning
  • Organizing
  • Managing people, schedules, committees and subcommittees.

Fundraising online involves work up front to get things set up. The rest, however, is usually handled by the technology with which you choose to work.

Social Media Fundraising is Cost Effective

Among other things, traditional fundraising involves:

  • Booking a venue for your event
  • Catering lunch for your donors committee
  • Printing up the flyers to promote your fundraiser
  • Paying for the direct-mail pieces you send out
  • Social media fundraisers are low cost. Also, they rely on rely on technology

Social Media Fundraising is Accessibile

Traditional fundraising events can be hard for people to attend.

Maybe you live in Des Moines, Iowa, and want to attend a super-cool fundraiser in Toronto. That being the case, there is air-fare and hotel costs for which you need to account.

When you fundraise via social media, your attendees can participate from anywhere—and on their own time.

Social Media Fundraising Increases Reach

With online fundraising, there is no physical distance.

Not only can you spread your message in Toronto (see the above, pre-social-media-Toronto-fundraising-hypothetical), but you can spread your message all across the darn planet.

3 Tips for Using Social Media for a Fundraiser

1) Announce Your Fundraiser With a Dedicated Post

Be sure to:

  • Describe for what or whom you are fundraising.
  • Discuss why this fundraiser matters.

2) Ask Friends and Family to Re-share Fundraising Post

  • Ask people to reshare your social media fundraiser URL.

3) Post About Milestones to Help Drive Donations

  • If you’re halfway toward your fundraising goal, ask if donors would consider helping you get to your goal.

Which Social Media Platform Do You Choose For Your Fundraiser?


Facebook users skew older than other social media users.


Instagram users are usually between 18 and 34 years old.



Daniel Trecroci

Dan has written about diabetes for more than 20 years. He was one of Diabetes Health's first recruits, and throughout his 10 + years as Managing Editor he wrote/published thousands of articles and helped establish Diabetes Health as the premiere resource for people with diabetes. He later became the Content Manager for OneTouchGold—Johnson & Johnson/LifeScan’s official digital publication for its metering-technology customers. Under his leadership, OneTouchGold received the Web Marketing Association’s award for “Best Health & Wellness" web site. Dan has also written for the Diabetes Research Institute, dLife, diaTribe, Healthline, CareDx, Pendulum Therapeutics, and Hero Bread.