Welcome! To our new Beyond Type 1 and Beyond Type 2 website! Hear from the team about the change.

Diabetes Camp

Camp is bonfires and storytelling, sleeping bags and star gazing. It's hiking and swimming, noisy mess halls and dirty sneakers. It's about building forts and forging friendships; it's about growing up and gaining independence. For youth with type 1, it's especially helpful in teaching confidence and the freedom that comes with self-care.

Camp is bonfires and storytelling, sleeping bags and star gazing. It’s hiking and swimming, noisy mess halls and dirty sneakers. It’s about building forts and forging friendships, growing up and gaining independence. For youth with type 1, it’s especially helpful in teaching confidence and the freedom that comes with self-care. In addition to that, diabetes camp offers a community where the language of diabetes is understood, is common and in that way, not the most important thing on the itinerary. If you want to know more about diabetes camp and if it’s the right option for you or a family member, check out Beyond Type 1’s resources and personal stories.

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