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Marathon Team Spotlight: Hank Michalski

Written by: BT1 Editorial Team

1 minute read

October 27, 2023

Beyond Type Run, a program of Beyond Type 1, brings together an inspiring team of people impacted by diabetes—those living with type 1 diabetes (T1D), type 2 diabetes (T2D) and their caregivers. Since 2017, this program has brought more than 200 runners with T1D to the TCS New York City Marathon. In 2023, Beyond Type Run opened up the team to all people with diabetes and their caregivers.

This year we’ll be cheering on this 2023 team in New York City on November 5, 2023. Get to know 2023 marathon team member, Hank Michalski, and how he’s getting ready for the race!

Hank Michalski

  • Diagnosed 2010 with T1D
  • Started running in 2020

What inspired you to run this year? 

I have been wanting to run a full marathon since I ran a half in 2020 when gyms closed. I saw two friends run the NYC Marathon last year. The energy of the crowd made me want to run it this year!

Who will be joining you the day of the race?

I’m excited to have my parents and sister coming to town, as well as a few friends making the trip in.

Prepping for race day

What is your go to running snack?


How do you prepare for long runs?

I got into the routine of doing them Saturday morning. I get a good night’s sleep Friday night, have a light snack in the morning and set off on my run.

What has been the hardest part of your training so far?

I had to cut my lifting back to one leg day per week and substantially lower the weight because I’m exhausted from long runs. I love lifting, so that’s been difficult.

Advice to start running

Hank’s advice for other people impacted by diabetes who want to start running is:

Do it! But make sure you have more than enough emergency sugar, just in case. Start slow and low mileage; see how your blood sugar reacts not just during the run but also 4-6 hours after. Then gradually get more intense.

Get to know the rest of the 2023 Beyond Type Run marathon and learn more about the program here. Want to be on the team like Hank? Stay tuned! The 2024 team application will open in April of 2024.
Beyond Diabetes author


BT1 Editorial Team

This piece was authored collaboratively by the Beyond Type 1 Editorial Team.