Snail Mail Club


Welcome to the Beyond Type 1 Snail Mail Club, a pen pal program for kids, teens, and adults with type 1 diabetes around the world. Have you ever wished you could have a friend with type 1 diabetes (T1D) in another part of the country, or another part of the world? Us too! That’s why we created the Beyond Type 1 Snail Mail Club!


How does it work?

  1. Complete an application (with a parent’s help if you are under 13)
  2. We’ll match you up with a pen pal based on your answers (Beyond Type 1 matches Snail Mailers twice a month, typically the 1st and 15th)
  3. Once matched, Snail Mailers will receive an email confirmation with a downloadable toolkit to help you get started
  4. Write to your pen pal! (*see below)

Join the Snail Mail Club


Have other questions? Check out our FAQ!

If you have other questions we didn’t address, send an email to

I have a pen pal—now what?

  1. Write your first letter, telling your pen pal all about yourself! (You’ve been matched based on similar interests so this would be a good place to start.)
  2. Here are some things you can write about:
  • I like to do _________ on the weekend.
  • My favorite animal is _____________.
  • My favorite tv show or movie is _____________.
  • I have traveled to ________________.
  • I was diagnosed on this date: _____________.
  • My birthday is on this date: ______________.
  • I am most scared of ___________________.

Address your envelope!

  1. Your address goes on the top left of envelope
  2. Your pen pal’s address goes in the middle right of envelope
  3. Your stamp goes on the top right corner of envelope

The Snail Mail Oath

Now that I have a pen pal, I will promise to write them letters! Because I am hoping to receive a letter, I must remember to write one. Every three weeks, I plan to write a letter and send it in the mail, sharing how life is going with T1D. I can share the good things and the tough things, but the most important thing is that I share. 

Check out all the places Percy has been!


The Snail Mail Club is made possible with support from Abbott, the makers of the Freestyle Libre 3 system.
Freestyle Libre 3 logo

WRITTEN BY BT1 Editorial Team, POSTED 01/05/15, UPDATED 08/26/24

This piece was authored collaboratively by the Beyond Type 1 Editorial Team.