Sex, Drugs + Rock & Roll
WRITTEN BY: BT1 Editorial Team
Beyond Type 1 is here to address the taboo, the topics that were once thought to be “off limits” in terms of what they mean for type 1 care. That’s right—Sex, Drugs and Rock & Roll. We wanted to know more, what both experts and fellow type 1s thought, so we did our own digging and this is what we found.
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If you have type 1 diabetes, it is likely that you will experience any of the following: stress, diabetes distress, burnout, diabulimia and/or depression.
Ketogenic diet is one that is high in fat and very low in carbohydrates, resulting in the production of ketones to be used for fuel instead of glucose.
As a mom and isolated caregiver to a daughter living with type 1 diabetes, Stephanie wants to improve education and reduce stigma. Read on.